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Psychology and Counselling Services

Adult Counselling

Psychologist - Counselling - Therapy

Psychological support is available for many mental health presentations with treatment from qualified psychologists. Treatment formulations include evidence-based support – providing assurance to all patients that they are receiving valid treatment.

Clinical therapy includes psychological treament for depression and anxiety (including general, social and specific presentations). We also support individuals with obsessive-compulsive tendencies, trauma, and other general life concerns.

Psychologists can also provide consultations via our online secure web or phone based video counselling. Telehealth Medicare rebates are applicable for face-to-face, and web-based appointments.

An appointment can be booked on (03) 9820 1223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mental Health Treatment


(Clinical, Post-natal, Long-term/Persistent, Seasonal,  Atypical, Prolonged Grief and others)

Depression is generally known to affect mood and is often accompanied by sadness, feeling flat, and reduced motivation. It can also cause irritability and emptiness.

There are various types of depression, and left untreated may lead to further concerns such as suicidal thinking and long term or chronic mood difficulties.

To explore treatment options, contact us on (03) 9820 1223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Anxiety - Treatment

(General, Social Anxiety, Phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive, Panic disorder, Separation Anxiety, Agoraphobia )

In general, difficult situations can increase stress and anxiety. However, when anxiety symptoms are constant - and to at least some degree uncontrollable and uncomfortable - anxiety may need to be treated. Anxiety types are many, but may include general and specific types, social, obsessive-compulsive, and issues around attachment and isolation.  

Some common anxiety symptoms may include excessive fear, worry, restlessness, agitation, panic, irritability, irrational fear of danger,  and racing thoughts. Other features of anxiety may include shortness of breath or rapid breathing, sleep issues, headaches and stomachaches, a pounding heart, trembling, and muscle tension.

Their are various treatment options which can address these concerns.

Contact us on (03) 9820 1223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Axniety - Social Anxiety - Phobia - Obesessive-Compulsive - Agoraphobia

Trauma - Options

(Post-traumatic Stress [PTSD],  Acute stress [ASD], ...

Adjustment disorders, and others...)

Trauma may occur when an individual experiences more extreme situations. When the effects of trauma are pervasive and consistent, they can impair one's capacity to cope with general life activities. Some of the stressors that can cause trauma may include death or near death experiences related to others or self, abuse, assault, natural disasters, accidents, ongoing family difficulties, and other stressors that are threatening. Trauma symptoms are many and will need to be assessed by a trained psychologist. While not an exhaustive list, they can be considered in the following categories:

Intrusion Symptoms: Ongoing distress, memories, flashbacks, nightmares, and bodily affects (increased heart rate etc).

Avoidance Behaviors: Avoiding memories, people, places, events, or other external reminders of a trauma.

Cognition and Mood problems: Memory loss, negative beliefs, difficult emotional changes - anxiety, guilt, rage, and shame, motivational deficits, isolation from others, and reduced positive emotions (e.g., happiness)

Physical Reactivity: Including increased anger, risky behaviours, increased hypervigilance and startle, and trouble with focusing and sleep.

For treatment:

Contact us on (03) 9820 1223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Other - Treatments

(Physical complaints,  Bulimia, Grief, and others...)

Treatment can be sought for other numerous general life and mental health presentations. Additionally, you have multiple concerns, and symptoms may be distressing or confusing, and/or not easily fit into some of the categories listed. Help can be sought by contacting us, and treatment options can be explored.

Contact us on (03) 9820 1223

or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
